SEEDS kynnir spennandi tækifæri fyrir ungt og eldra fólk í Evrópu

SEEDS kynnir spennandi tækifæri í Frakklandi, Portúgal, Svíþjóð og á Ítalíu.

Sjálfboðaliðasamtökin SEEDS kynna spennandi tækifæri erlendis fyrir ungt fólk (á aldrinum 15 - 30 ára) og fyrir eldra fólk (á aldrinum 50+ ára)  um alla Evrópu í samstarfi við Erasmus+ og Grundtvig áætlanir Evrópusambandsins.

Þátttakendur fá hluta af ferðakostnaði endurgreiddan, auk þess sem þeim er séð fyrir fæði og húsnæði á meðan að verkefninu stendur.
Athugið að meðfylgjandi eru tenglar þar sem hægt er að fá ítarlegri upplýsingar um verkefnið.

Umsóknarfrestur er mismunandi eftir verkefnum
Umsóknareyðublað er að finna hér og eru áhugasamir beðnir um að fylla það út á ensku.

Dear friends,

Are you interested in travelling, meeting new people, getting to know different cultures and having fun? SEEDS is offering exciting opportunities abroad for young (15-30 years old) and senior volunteers (over 50 years old).

Our projects take place across Europe in cooperation with the Erasmus Plus programme.

Food and accommodation are provided within the projects. Participants will additionally receive a partial reimbursement of their travel expenses to an upper limit for their project. You will find more information regarding the projects under the corresponding links.

If you know someone who may be interested in volunteering in these projects, please feel free to share this call for candidates.



URGENT! 1. “Melting Potes” – France, Vaunières

When: August 4 - 25, 2014

Deadline for application: July 28, 2014.

Theme/aim of the project:

Structured around a time of local festivals, these meetings are occasions for intercultural exchanges and promoted cultural diversity through artistic experiences.

This project is once again this year an occasion to further interactions between people near and far, moving beyond stereotypes by the means of times of exchange of cultural identity and togetherness in creative projects and activities, as well as by collective living. In 2014, the choice was made to emphasize plastic creation along the theme of “early man.”

The focus will be on folklore surrounding early man and linked to pagan rituals and to early forms of clothing. As the countries of Europe are rich in these traditions, participants will first be asked to share stories of the early humans of their own countries. Working off of the folklore, legends, and traditions of each person, the participants will invent modern rituals, an imaginary collective folklore. In addition to this they will create plastic installations on the theme of traditional figures of early humans to modern humans. These works will be products of everyone's individual input and will be presented during the festival.

Number and age of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader from each country, aged 18-30 years old.

More information about this project: SEEDS France Melting Potes

You will find the application form under this link: SEEDS Application Form



2. “Equality has no gender” - Portugal, Arcos de Valdevez

When: August 25 - September 01, 2014.

Deadline for application: July 30.

Theme/aim of the project:

We decided to create an exchange where we can raise awareness for young people to combat this type of discrimination, actions and participate in the adoption of measures to end the inequalities and contribute to a fairer and more balanced society.

The participants of our project are young people with economic difficulties and poor participation in the society where they live. It is intended that at the end of this exchange, they must have a more active participation in the society, which can reflect and create measures that meet the needs of the environment in which they live.

During this program, all participants will have the opportunity to meet and be in contact with the community (Arcos de Valdevez) having the opportunity to analyze the differences and similarities between their culture and ours. Throughout the exchange, activities will be carried out on the basis of non-formal education through workshops that will work initially to identify the concept of "gender equality" and later give them the opportunity to know if the social role they play may or may not influence their socio-economic progress. Afterwards, activities and group dynamics aimed at identify and combat gender discrimination will be created. These activities will be registered using  photos and videos. In the end, all participants will have to make a compilation of all the material and hold an exhibition in our association, which will then be used as an evaluation record of our exchange.

Number and age of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader from each country, aged 15-25 years old.

More information about this project: SEEDS Portugal Equality has no gender

You will find the application form under this link: SEEDS Application Form



3. "Österlen and Europe - local youth action for a sustainable world"  -  Sweden

When: September 18 - 23, 2014.

Deadline for application: July 30, 2014.

Theme/aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to create a more sustainable and peaceful Europe, through inspiring the participants to become aware of, and become active in, local and global issues. This will be done by providing an intercultural meeting place, and presenting the participants concrete tools through workshops and inspirational examples of best practice projects in the local context.

Number and age of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader from each country, aged 18-30 years old.

More information about this project: SEEDS Sweden Österlen and Europe - local youth action for a sustainable world

You will find the application form under this link: SEEDS Application Form



4. “Eco-Theater Growing Culture, Growing Europe” - Italy, Torino

When: September 23 - October 2, 2014.

Deadline for application: August 15, 2014.

Theme/aim of the project:

The youth exchange will focus on the knowledge of Environmental Issues by using Theatre to foster the relationships between young people and the European perception of ecology and environment education.

The group of young people will be working on the different perceptions of eco-culture, discovering cultural differences and sharing our ideas about nature and theater. You will spend your days working on theatre workshops focused on environmental subjects, discovering open air theater methods and creating a final performance that will be presented to the local community at the end of our work together.

Number and age of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader from each country, aged 18-30 years old.

More information about this project: SEEDS Italy Eco Theater Growing Culture Growing Europe

You will find the application form under this link: SEEDS Application Form



5. Grundtvig - Active Senior, Greening Nature (50+) - Adissan, France

 When: August 30 - September 19, 2014.

Deadline for application: August 5, 2014.

Theme/aim of the project:

In a first time, volunteers will be part of an environmental partnership with Adissan community, including cleaning paths, riversides and an introduction to dry stone construction. 

In a second time they will be involved in the organisation of an eco festival in differents ways such as a presentation about use of water in Iceland, workshop of eco-building for festival’s infrastructures, a cooking workshop.They will also take on a share during a photographic hike in order to an artistic performance on a water tower.

During free time, they will enjoy this multi cultural region with beautiful landscapes: seaside, vineyards, Canal du Midi. Moreover volunteers will participate to cultural activities: drama, fishing, wine tasting… Finally they will have the opportunity to get french basical classes.

Location: Adissan is a small village in the Languedoc wine-growing region, near Pézenas (Hérault district) an historical and artistic city between Béziers and Montpellier. Accomodation: bed-and-breakfast inn.

Number and age of participants: 4 participants, aged 50+

This project is financed by EU, Grundtvig Longlife Learning Program.

You will find the application form under this link: SEEDS Application Form



For further information please contact Aniko at outgoing@seeds.is or at 7713312.

You can find more opportunities SEEDS offers abroad under http://www.seeds.is/ungmennaskipti-youth-exchange Information about the projects and activities of SEEDS are available on our website, www.seeds.is

So if you're interested in those exciting projects, apply as soon as possible!

Warm regards,

SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis heiminn
SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis heiminn
Grettisgata 3a
101 Reykjavík

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